Saturday, October 10, 2015


Your liver health may be improved through dietary and lifestyle changes.

A healthy liver may be achieved through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Your liver may not be functioning at its optimal level if you have constant fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, and yellowing of skin and whites in the eyes. To improve the health of your liver, you need to give your diet and lifestyle an overhaul.
A healthy liver keeps your body’s regulatory, detoxification and metabolic functions in tip top condition. Fortunately, most liver problems are reversible if discovered early.
“The liver is an amazing organ which can rejuvenate itself. Liver failure develops over time. You can stop a fatty liver condition from deteriorating into more serious liver cirrhosis and liver cancer by making significant changes to your diet and lifestyle

What does the liver do?

The liver is the body’s major cleaning and clearing house.
A healthy liver regulates blood glucose levels and removes bilirubin from the bloodstream. Bilirubin is a byproduct from the normal breakdown of red blood cells.
In addition, the liver processes food, extracting nutrients, and produces bile to digest fatty foods. Any excess nutrients are stored in the liver.
The liver also detoxifies. It removes toxins that are ingested through alcohol, medications and contaminated food, from the bloodstream.

8 tips for a healthy liver

1. Moderate your alcohol intakeThe liver can only process or break down a small amount of alcohol every hour. For this reason, men should limit their alcohol intake to two drinks a day while women should only have one. A standard drink is equivalent to one ordinary beer or one small glass of wine.
2. Cut down on fatty foods
Reduce the amount of saturated fats, trans fats and hydrogenated fats in your diet. Saturated fats are found in deep fried foods, red meats and dairy products. Trans and hydrogenated fats are found in processed foods. The liver stores excess dietary fat, and fat buildup can eventually bring on fatty liver disease.
3. Reduce body weight
Obesity, particularly, abdominal or central obesity, is a major risk factor for developing fatty liver disease. Eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to maintain a healthy weight. A fatty liver slows down the digestion of fats. Do aim for the ideal body mass index (BMI) target. The healthy cut-off values recommended by MOH and HPB Singapore are between 18.5 and 22.9.
4. Avoid over-supplementation with traditional medicines & remedies
Over-supplementation may cause liver inflammation. As the liver detoxifies, supplementation with certain traditional medicines or remedies can lead to liver damage or even failure. This is because some of these remedies contain heavy metals. Taken in large quantities they can result in liver toxicity or they can affect the regular functioning of your liver.
5. Eat more fibre 
Eat more high-fibre foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. For proteins, choose more fish, beans and nuts, and cut down on red meats.
6. Get vaccinated
Get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, both viral liver infections. Hepatitis A is contracted from contaminated food and water and hepatitis B, from sexual contact, contaminated blood and needles.
7. Get regular exerciseRegular exercise is key to a healthy liver. Exercise increases energy levels, decreases stress on the liver, and helps to prevent obesity – a high risk factor for liver disease. Aim for a total of 150 minutes of exercise, such as brisk walking, per week.
8. Be careful of weight loss pillsOver-the-counter weight loss pills which are available without a prescription may contain ingredients such as Ephedra (ma huang in Chinese) which are harmful to the liver.

Refined and processed carbohydrates such as foods made from white flour i.e. white bread, pasta, pastries, muffins and cakes etc. are best avoided.
  • Avoid foods which you are allergic or sensitive to, as these weaken liver function and stress the immune system.
  • Avoid eating when you feel stressed; at these times the body’s resources are focused on other areas, not the liver and digestion and we when you feel strung out you also tend to make the wrong food choices.
  • Avoid over-eating, only eat when you’re hungry and find other ways to occupy your time when you’re just bored.
 Now here are 12 useful tips on things you can do as part of your week to make your liver’s job easier and make your liver your best pal.
Add a squeeze of lemon juice to a glass of filtered water and drink first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything else. This primes your liver and digestion for the day ahead.
Drink at least 8 glasses or 2 litres of filtered water daily (spread throughout the day – not all in one go!). This helps to flush toxins out through the bladder and bowels preventing them from being recirculated in the bloodstream.
Eat organic foods where possible, especially fresh produce, meats and dairy products.  Non-organic foods can be laden with pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics all of which are toxins the liver must tackle.
Strive for a healthy digestive system. As the body’s filtration system, the liver filters out and destroys bacteria and viruses that enter the body with food. So a healthy digestive tract with a good balance of friendly bacteria protects the body from intruders and lessens the liver’s load.

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