Monday, August 10, 2015

Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is defined as an act of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. Fasting can be ‘absolute’ or ‘relative’. In absolute fasting there is abstinence from all foods and liquids for a defined period, whereas in relative fasting we relatively reduce intake of certain food items or avoid them completely.
                Fasting has many fold benefits in the form of health benefits, spiritual benefits and prayer benefits. If one does regular fasting then one can remain healthy physically, socially, mentally and spiritually.
Following are the benefits of fasting:
1. Detoxification - Foods which are consumed in the form of processed foods contains a lot of additives and preservatives. They later become toxins in the body and most of them are stored in fat cells. In fasting, the fat cells get burned especially then it is prolonged resulting in the release of the toxins from lever, kidneys and other organs of the body. Thus, helps in detoxification.
2. Digestive system - Digestive organs gets rest during fasting. Both digestion and eliminations are energized after fasting.
3. Inflammatory responses - Fasting promote resolving of inflammatory disease and allergies such as rheumatoid arthritis, joint pains, skin diseases such as Esoriasis, asthma and hey fever.
4. Fasting and Pre-Diabetes - People can avoid becoming diabetic by periodically fasting to bring down glucose level. It helps in pre-diabetic, a person whose fasting blood sugar is high (100 to 125). According to the new research presented at the meeting of the American Diabetic Sessions in Sans Francisco, people with chronically high blood sugar can avoid becoming diabetic by periodically fasting to bring down glucose levels. Researchers at the Intermountain Heart Institute at Intermountain Medical Center in Murray. Utah, found that individuals are classified as pre-diabetic because the amount of sugar in their blood is higher than normal but is not high enough for them to be considered diabetic. Thus, can stave off the metabolic disorder by occasionally going on a one-day water-only fast. Routine fasting is associated with lower risk of diabetes, coronary artery disease, reduction in triglyceride levels, low LDL (bad cholesterol).
5. Blood Pressure - It helps in the reduction of blood pressure by reducing the risks of atherosclerosis i.e. clogging of arteries by fat cells. In fasting, glucose and fat are used to produce energy, thus, the metabolic rate is reduced. The production of fear-flight hormones such as adrenaline and nor adrenaline are trim down. This keeps the metabolic steady and within limit which leads to the reduction in blood pressure.
6. Obesity - The lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pains are directly linked to the weight of our body. Fasting helps in maintaining our weight within the prescribed normal limit. Thus, it helps in preventing diseases and also gradual and slow reduction in weight and along with this decreases the demand of drugs (medicine). Reduction in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, intake of sugar, fast food, increase intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables, increase in physical activity in the form of yog is useful tool to reduce the weight and thus prevention of the above mentioned diseases.
7. Immunity - Fasting itself boosts immunity by elimination of toxins and reduction in fat stored. In between the fasting period one always tries to maintain a balanced diet by the consumption of fruits, milk, water which in turn increases the body’s store of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamins A and E which are good antioxidants. These measures all together boost our immunity. It has also been observed that Fasting also builds immunity against cancer and other diseases.
8. Addictions - Fasting can help addicts in reducing their craving for nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and other substance abuse. It has been observed that people have overcome tobacco and alcohol addictions by fasting and even drug addictions.
9. Spiritual - In hindi fasting is known UPAVAS. UP means ‘going back’ or ‘retreat’ and VAS means ‘to live or life’. Thus, fasting in Hindi means withdrawing from all sinful thoughts and actions and going back to the divine and holy communion with the Lord. In every religion, fasting is considered a path to be near to divine, God. In Islam, fasting strengthens control of impulse and help in developing good behavior. During Ramajan, Muslims believe fasting purify the body and increases their taqwa (good deeds and God consciousness). In Jainism, they say it decreases desire and passion for the physical world and attains spirituality by meditation.
10. Prayers - The other meaning of UP-VAS is, UP means near and VAS means to ‘reside’. It is believed that when you observe ‘fast’ you are in Holy Communication with the Lord.  Thus, ‘fasting’ is accompanied by ‘purification’. It’s been said that only in pure body devoid of all toxins the lord can reside. Thus, fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm and the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice everything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.

                We must observe fast at least once a week to keep our weight under control and to get rid of life style disorders such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, joint pains, allergic disorders etc. On the fasting day, we would consume only seasonal fruits, vegetables, water, milk and avoid intake of fried and high calories foods. One can remain healthy by adopting a healthy lifestyle which is possible through yoga which make us socially physically, mentally and spiritually well being.

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