Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Cosmos Reverberates with Glory of the Guru...

The life of my Master, Shri Ramakrishna was an extraordinary searchlight under whose illumination one is able to really understand the whole scope of spirituality. He was the object-lesson of all the theoretical knowledge given in the Shastra (scriptures). He showed by his life what the Rishis and Avataras really wanted to teach. The books were theories, he was the realization. - Swami Vivekananda

Within your heart cry constantly for God. When you have convinced the Lord of your desire for him, He will send someone-your guru-to teach you how to know Him. Only he who knows God can show others how to know Him. -- Yogananda Paramahansa

Even if you have a pretty mien, a beautiful wife, great fame and mountain like money; but, if your mind does not bow at the Guru's feet, What is the use? What is the use? What is the use? --Adi Shankaracharya

If here before me stand both -- my Guru and the Almighty, I would first prostrate my Guru because it is He, who revealed to me, the Lord!! -- Saint Kabir

The Guru is absolutely necessary. The Upanishads say that none but a Guru can take a man out of the jungle of intellect and sense-perceptions. So there must be a Guru.--Ramana Maharshi

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Anxiety and depression treatment through Ayurveda

Read also "100 Golden Rules for Health"
This category of medicine contains drugs that have tendency to calm down a person suffering from anxiety or stress due to any internal or external cause. This is particularly used to control the psychosomatic disorders and phobias. The general use of ant-anxiety drugs is meant to control the tension up to severe phobias. The stage of anxiety or tension can be characterized as the reaction to the stress, danger that can be real or imaginary. The patient is having fast pulse, excess sweating, trembling, fatigue, and weakness. There may be thirst also. Certain cases that are advance stages of anxiety are epilepsy, pregnancy cases, panic disorders, and phobias. The early stages of anxiety disorders are treated easily by using the anti anxiety drugs and counseling but for complicated cases the prolonged treatment under the observation is required. For this purpose of treatment the anti-anxiety category drugs are used.

The anxiety disorders may be classified as, panic conditions, the social phobia, the obsessive-compulsive disorders and general anxiety conditions. The symptoms of the disorders are not seen in an isolated manner. In common the patient is having the syndrome of symptoms and they are complicated. The rare cases are seen with patient having symptoms of single disorder.

Normally the patient is having depression suffer with other complications too. The patient is relieved  from the acuteness of the symptoms and the consistency of normal conditions is maintained by the use of drugs and behavior therapy. In ayurvedic classical texts the description of the anxiety disorders is seen in the bhootvidya (psychiatric) segment. The basic definition of health in ayurveda is a state of physical and mental well-being.
Ayurveda states that the emotional disorders as well as mental state of a patient must be balanced and should be in equilibrium. The reason behind the anxiety disorders in ayurveda is pragya apradh (the unhealthy adaptation of physical and mental type leading into the mental imbalance). The improper diet and life style that leads the disturbed state of mind causes the negative feelings that overwhelm the mind. This is termed as manovaha strota vyadhi (the disease of mental condition. The unmaad (hysteria) and apasmaar (epilepsy) are the diseases described in ayurveda.

The root cause for these disorders are purva janmakrtia (sins of the previous birth), viruddha ahaar vihaar (improper diet, overindulgence in sex, over stress), and the graha avesha (astrological and occult reasons). The pathology of the anxiety disorders in ayurveda is due to the vikriti of manovaha strota due to vata.
The basic line of treatment in ayurveda for this disease is to eliminate the vata dushti (reason). For this the nasya therapy (inhalation therapy) is used as the ayurveda suppose the nasal cavity as entrance of the brain. The anxiety disorders and the symptoms described in the classical ayurvedic text are nearly the same with those of modern sciences. The symptoms in anxiety disorders can be divided into physical symptoms and mental symptoms.

The physical symptoms are the consistent condition of the reflex action that body shows in cases of danger like increased pulse, heartbeat, hot or cold flashes, stiffed muscles, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia. The mental symptoms seen in the patient are restlessness, behavior problems, nervousness, imaginary fear, hyperactivity, and confusions.

The common symptoms seen in the anxiety disorders are insomnia, some times loss of memory, nervine weakness, unrest, and more specific symptoms like convulsions and phobias are there in advance stages. The causes behind anxiety disorders are either physiological like hormonal imbalance adrenal, thyroid, hypoglycemia, insomniac conditions as well as chronic disease. There are certain other reasons like drug dependency upon certain category drugs amphetamines, respiratory medications, hormones, withdrawal from benzodiazepines. The modern sciences treat the anxiety disorders by drug therapy and behavior therapy.
The behavior therapy is the first stage to control the anxiety disorders. In this therapy, the patient is exposed to the causes in a controlled environment so that they may get adapted and gain self-control to fight such conditions. The basic ideology of this is to change the basic thinking pattern by regular consoling and observations. This counseling therapy is normally taking 14 to 20 weeks. This is the best way to control the anxiety disorders.
The anti-anxiety drugs from allopathic aspect in general are sedatives like benzodiazepines, azapirones and antidepressants. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors commonly abbreviated as ssri and others like tricyclic antidepressants beta-blockers. The most of these drugs when taken for a continuous therapy creates dependency and produces side effects as well as withdrawal symptoms.
The ayurvedic line of treatment for the anxiety disorders is the use of herbs and medicines, nasya (inhalation therapy), mantra (occult rituals), and achaar vichaar (life style modification).
The herbs used as anti-anxiety drugs are sarpagandha, khus, jatamansi, bramhi, kevada, vacha, tagar, amla, and rose. the medhya (brain tonics /intellect improvisers) category drugs are used to balance the loss of concentration, memory, and insomniac disturbances. The nervine tonics like ashvagandha and bala are used to strengthen the nervous system. the choorna of single and multiple combinations are used. Like saraswat choorna, tagaradi choorna and ashvagandhadi choorna, and single drug choorna like vacha choorna, jatamansi choorna are used. along with these medicines the rasayana preparation brahmi rasayana, ghrita (ghee based medicines) like maha paishachik ghrita, panchagavya ghrita, puran ghrita, and brahmi ghrita are given to the patient.
The fermentation preparations like saraswatarishta, balarishta are used. The rasa (mercuric) preparations like krishna chaturmukh ras, unmad gajkesari ras and smriti sagar ras are frequently used in anxiety disorders. The anti convulsant used for aptantrakari vati, and svarna bhasma (calcinated ash of gold). The oil-based medicines used are dhanvantaram oil; mahanarayana oil. the confectionary based preparation is errand paka.
For controlling the insomniac conditions the jatamansi kwath (decoction) and madananand modak (big shaped sugar mixed pill) are described as anti-anxiety drugs. The herb brahmi (bacopa monari) is a good anti anxiety medicine and have good anti stress property (see- bacopa monari). The jatamansi herb is also a good sedative and is safe, as it doesn’t perform the dependency. On the other hand the sedative from the modern sciences are very much likely to produce dependency and withdrawal symptoms.
The regular use of Brahmi medicated oil on scalp at bedtime and inhalation is a better preventive measure to avoid the anxiety disorders.
Attention Pl. – The information at any place in this website is just on an informative basis as well as to create awareness among the people regarding their health and encourage to adopt Ayurveda in their routine life. Hence no one ever should take it as a for-granted treatment as such for any disease and is always advised to contact his/her physician before using it in any way

Monday, August 18, 2014

Thought Revolution by Acharya ShriRam Sharma

Acharya Sharma (1911-1990) was born into a lineage of Sanskrit scholars and Hindu priests and from an early age was steeped in the roots of ancient Indian Culture. From childhood on, he had the good fortune to practice under the tutelage of an extremely adept Guru, and soon his spiritual practice began to blend with his organizing work in his community. Acharya Sharma dedicated his life, with increasing focus as it progressed, to launching a massive popular movement for the sake of reviving the spiritual traditions that had formed the foundations of ancestral Indian culture. At the basis of this movement stands his vast written legacy.

                     One of the fundamental ideas of Sharma’s Thought Revolution is that during the years between 1988 and 2020, the planet will witness an unprecedented and rapid transition to a new era of human history. It should be emphasized that, despite the pessimistic forecasts that can be gathered from the science discussed below, Acharya Sharma proclaimed again and again that we should expect the 21st Century to bring a bright and auspicious period of human history. Referencing the Golden Age of Indian history, he called this new era “Satyug,” meaning “Era of Truth.” According to him, the generation of humans currently alive on the planet has been given the task of ushering in this new era by means of launching a popular movement aimed at raising the collective level of human consciousness throughout the world. 

पुस्तक डाउनलोड करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें. फिर फाइल मेनू में डाउनलोड पर क्लिक करें ।

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Divine Message

1 It is not the aptitude but the attitude, which takes us to altitude.
2 Be gentle to all, and stern to yourself.
3. As you sow, so shall you reap.
4. Be positive to live happily.
5. It is a long journey between human being and being human. Let us travel atleast one step daily to cover the distance.
6. Two important things. Be Happy and keep Happy.
7. Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
8. Smile is a language of Love,  Smile is way of Success, Smile wins Hearts, Smile makes every moment worth living! So keep Smiling!

Who is an Ideal Devotee?
Even those with Bhakti must have certain qualities to gain the grace of God. This is explained in detail in Chapter 12, Shloks (verses) 13-20 of the Gita. The ideal devotee (Bhakta) should…
  • not hate any living being
  • cultivate friendship and compassion
  • give up the feeling of "I and Mine"
  • be unmoved by happiness or misery
  • be forgiving
  • strive for self-control
  • always be content with what he/she has
  • have a strong determination
  • surrender his/her mind and intellect to God.
  • not be afraid of anyone; and none in the world should fear him/her
  • desire nothing
  • be pure and efficient
  • be free from elation, anger, fear and turbulence of mind
  • be indifferent to what befalls him/her
  • be free from weakness of mind
  • free from the feeling that he/she is an independent agent
  • have no feeling of elation and enmity or desire
  • develop an attitude of mind which rejects good as well as bad things
  • have no attachments and should accept pain and pleasure, honor and disgrace, heat and cold equally as his/her portion
  • look upon friends and foes alike
  • not indulge in idle talk
  • not attached to any fixed abode
  • be steadfast in mind.
It is such a 'Bhakta' that is dear to Sri Krishna. And most important of all, those Bhaktas are most dear to God who love him with full faith in his supremacy.

May we all be worthy of Gita's Bhakti!

Who is an Ideal Devotee?

Even those with Bhakti must have certain qualities to gain the grace of God. This is explained in detail in Chapter 12, Shloks (verses) 13-20 of the Gita. The ideal devotee (Bhakta) should…

  • not hate any living being
  • cultivate friendship and compassion
  • give up the feeling of "I and Mine"
  • be unmoved by happiness or misery
  • be forgiving
  • strive for self-control
  • always be content with what he/she has
  • have a strong determination
  • surrender his/her mind and intellect to God.
  • not be afraid of anyone; and none in the world should fear him/her
  • desire nothing
  • be pure and efficient
  • be free from elation, anger, fear and turbulence of mind
  • be indifferent to what befalls him/her
  • be free from weakness of mind
  • free from the feeling that he/she is an independent agent
  • have no feeling of elation and enmity or desire
  • develop an attitude of mind which rejects good as well as bad things
  • have no attachments and should accept pain and pleasure, honor and disgrace, heat and cold equally as his/her portion
  • look upon friends and foes alike
  • not indulge in idle talk
  • not attached to any fixed abode
  • be steadfast in mind.

It is such a 'Bhakta' that is dear to Sri Krishna. And most important of all, those Bhaktas are most dear to God who love him with full faith in his supremacy.

May we all be worthy of Gita's Bhakti!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


We pray to Almighty that inner enlightenment kicks away all the resistance of vices and negativity.

There are five types of hindrance for the incarnation of Divine Consciousness.

1. Vices or bad habits
2. Materialistic Traits
3. Negative attitude or environment
4. Bad deeds of old births (known as PRARABDH)
 5. Evil Forces of Astral World

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Science and Religion

 Most hindus know the Hanuman chalisa?
In Hanuman Chalisa, it is said :

"Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu!
Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu!!

1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahastra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 Miles

Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu
12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96000000 miles

1 mile = 1.6kms

96000000 miles = 96000000 x 1.6kms =
1536,00,000 kms to Sun that is around 150 million kms (according to NASA)

NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth and Sun (Bhanu).
Which proves Hanuman ji did jump to Planet Sun, thinking it as a sweet fruit (Madhu phal)..

It is really interesting how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are..Unfortunately barely it is recognized, interpreted accurately or realized by any in today's time...
GAYATRI MANTRA"  the most powerful hymn in the world
Dr.Howard Steingeril,
an american scientist, collected Mantras, Hymns and invocations from all over the world and tested their strength in his Physiology Laboratory…

Hindus' Gayatri Mantra produced 110,000 sound waves /second...

This was the highest and was found to be the most powerful hymn in the world.
Through the combination of sound or sound waves of a particular frequency, this Mantra is claimed to be capable of developing specific spritual potentialities.
The Hamburg university initiated research into the efficacy of the Gayatri Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of CREATION...

The GAYATRI MANTRA is broadcasted daily for 15 minutes from 7 P.M. onwards over Radio Paramaribo, Surinam, South America for the past two years, and in Amsterdam , Holland for the last six months.

"Om Bhoor Bhuwah Swah, Tat Savitur Varenyam, Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Pra-chodayaat !"

"It's meaning:
God is dear to me like my own breath, He is the dispeller of my pains, and giver of happiness.
I meditate on the supremely adorable Light of the Divine Creator, that it may inspire my thought and understanding."

This is a great information worth circulating and sharing with one and all !!
How wonderful our vedas are !

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


May We Connect to the Roots of Inner Divinity,
Future becomes bright with Peace and Serenity.