Saturday, October 12, 2013

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam

This Pranayam is different from other Pranayams in the sense that while it makes the respiratory process quite rhythmical, it also makes our breath extremely subtle. The term ‘subtle’ means that we should not heat the sound of the breath. We must inhale and exhale slowly and inaudibly.
          The benefits of this Pranayam are as follows:
·        It is helpful in the purification of all the nadis in our system.
·        It cures the ailments of the lungs, headache and mental tension.
·        It expels all the waste matter and poisonous elements from the body.
·        It gives longevity and enhances the beauty of the face.
·        For the rectification of the different systems and their vitalization, Nadi Shodhan Pranayam is highly instrumental.
·        It makes the sense-organs more inward and brings fall to the thought currents.
·        Finally, in the development of our vital energy and the spiritual power, this Kriya is very helpful.
          With the neck and spine erect, sit down in padmasan or any other asan suitable for meditation. Keep the eyes gently closed. Reset the left hand on the left knee in Gyanmudra pose. Placing the two fore-fingers of the right hand at the root of the thumb, close the right nostril gently with the right thumb. Start inhaling slowly but deeply through the left nostril. Close the left nostril with the ring finger (Anamica), retain the breath in Antrik Kumbhak, apply three Bandhs. Thereafter, start inhaling slowly through the right nostril and draw a deep breath. Do Antrik Kumbhak according to the capacity, apply three Bandhs. Removing the ring finger from the left nostril expel the breath slowly from the left nostril, withhold the breath as per capacity and apply three Bandhs. This is one round. Increase the rounds gradually along with matras.
Fixing of Matras and Ratio
          No feeling of suffocation in the practice of inspiration, retention and expiration of breath should be experienced by sadhak at any stage. It is determined by the fact that if a sadhak cannot retain the breath according to Matra fixed fit Kumbhak after inhalation or cannot exhale according to period fixed for inhalation, then apparently the ratio and matras are not according to the capacity. For example, if inhalation period is of Matras. Kumbhak for a period of 10 Matras, then again inhalation from the right nostril should be cut down to a period of 5 Matras. And if any difficulty is experienced to maintain this ratio at any stage, it should be lowered down in Matras i.e. make it 4:8:8.  If this ratio is difficult to maintain, bring it further down to 3:6:6 and continue the practice in this very ratio. Thus, fix the number of matras and the ratio according to the capacity so that no difficulty in inhaling, retaining and exhaling is felt. Follow the ratio thus fixed fir 15 days in the beginning. Add one Matra thereafter and continue the practice accordingly. Index of matras and ratio for the practice of this Pranayam is given below:
I Week
5 Matras
II Week
6 Matras
III Week
7 Matras
          Go on increasing the matras and rounds according to the capacity.

          In advanced practice follow an ideal index in matras given below for sadhaks:

Adham Pranayam
Repeat them according to the capacity
Madhayam Pranayam
Uttam Pranayam

Special Note

          The best period of the year for increasing the matras and rounds is from September to March. Status quo may be maintained in other months. Reduce the ratio when it is too hot in summer.

(From YOG MAnjari Magazine)

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