Monday, June 25, 2012

Science of Meditation

Anyone can follow the path of meditation to achieve the following objectives:
  • For relaxation and peace 
  • For concentration and emotional balance
  • For purity of thoughts 
  • For intuition awakening and internal knowledge
  • For higher energy generation (consciousness) and God realization   
To begin with, the time limit for meditation should be 15 minutes. It should then be increased to 30 minutes. Of course, in the higher stages there can be no question of any limit to it.
The attempt to control the mind through meditation brings out on the surface numerous old thoughts and deep memories of the past which lie hidden in the mind creating great uneasiness. If they remain hidden they would become a source of great trouble later. On getting a suitable opportunity they would erupt like a volcano. Hence they should be allowed to come out, to be eventually driven out as the meditation grows deeper and deeper. It is important to realize that the impurities of the body create trouble only during its life, but the memories and samskars of debased and corrupt minds and thoughts go down from birth to birth and thus there may exist many layers of these in the mind. They should be allowed to come out while the aspirant should try to remain only an observer, without feeling unnerved by them. After that the intellect becomes purer for the dawn of profound knowledge in the light of which the unity of the soul and the Creator can be realised. It is also necessary to avoid any fresh collection of debased thoughts. For this, all the acts which give rise to and develop the ego should be scrupulously avoided. Occasional stay at some lonely or holy place may be found helpful in purifying the thoughts.
There are two main obstructions in the way of meditation-sleep and unsteadiness of mind.
Sleep (Laya):
If the body has been made free from impurities and a balanced diet regimen continues, there are very little chances of the onset of a wave of sleep during meditation and the aspirant will need lesser sleeping hours. But still the body should be given sufficient sleep to avoid any danger of sleep during meditation. Usually for a young man six hours of sleep is quite sufficient. For a man of advanced age five hours or even less will be enough if his diet consists of lesser cereals and more of fruits and vegetables. The more the intake of cereals, the more will be the need for sleep. In order to ward off sleep during meditation, it would be very useful and effective to begin with loud recital of the name of one's 'ISHTA' or singing of some bhajan. If one becomes sleepy during meditation, he has to increase self control (Tap).
Although there is forgetfulness of the self, both during sleep and meditation, but they are totally different states. Sleep is a natural necessity for all to give the required rest to the body and also for the transmission of sufficient vital power from its source. The forgetfulness of the self during sleep, which is merely the result of temporary suppression of the ego, brings about some contact with the source of power and the body feels fully refreshed and vital after it, but the person remains ignorant about the actual source of power. During meditation, due to complete disappearance of the ego, an intimate contact is established with the source, the Graceful Lord, which results net only in transmission of vital power but of profound knowledge as well. This leaves no doubt about the Lord and His grace and powers.
Unsteadiness of mind (Vikshep):
Just as purity of the body is necessary to ward off sleep during meditation, detachment of mind from worldly beings and objects through discriminate selfless service is necessary for bringing about steadiness of the mind. Hence, integrated ‘Sadhana’ on the physical, vital and emotional planes is very essential and important. Without purity on these planes, sadhana on intellectual plane becomes quite difficult. The practice of pranayama for purity of the nervous system or (naddi sudh) already discussed earlier, is very helpful and proves efficacious in bringing about steadiness of the mind.
During meditation thoughts of the present as well as of previous lives, which are accumulated in the mind in a number of layers start coming out. This should neither confuse nor discourage us. If one simply watches them in a detached manner they will gradually disappear. One should have patience and perseverance to achieve success. Meditation will purify the intellect and our thoughts will be under control even in dream. The proper way is neither to attempt to comment on them nor to consider their merits and demerits or to pass judgment about them, because these attachment and hatred-producing thoughts, arising out of our concern about persons, worldly objects and circumstances, will divert our attention towards them and they will enter deeper into our minds. If we get involved in them, they will form fresh layers in the mind, making our task more difficult. Therefore, the way to deal with them is to make ourselves indifferent towards them and whenever they distract us from meditation, we should try to concentrate on the name or form of our Guru or God. Whenever thoughts come before our mind's eye, we should treat them with indifference and be only like an idle spectator. If this position is scrupulously held, the thoughts will gradually grow dim and eventually fade away.
In case the thoughts continue coming on, they are due to outpouring of fresh layers of accumulated thoughts. They should be dealt with some patience and perseverance. Aggression of varying thoughts during meditation is due to attachment to objects and persons. To overcome this obstruction in meditation, one has to increase distribution and selfless service (Sewa).
The real test of eradication of the ego is whether one can remain unaffected by abuses showered on him or by the hostile actions of others. Kakbhushundi, whose ego was completely rooted out, remained quite indifferent and happy even when Rishi Lomash cursed him to be converted him into a crow. He felt that it was the Graceful Lord who had changed the mind of the Rishi to test him. This shows us that in all events and happenings, we can visualise the benevolence of the Graceful Lord and remain happy and cheerful.
With the complete elimination of the ego and the consequent attainment of profound knowledge one will not be misguided by appearances. He will all the time and in all matters remember the ‘Graceful Lord. Like a piece of salt thrown into the ocean, the existence of such a devotee merges with the Graceful Lord.

(From: Divine Cure by Dr. Gur Harakh Singh IASS with thanks)

Meditation can help us in many ways in life, 
To reflect, to ponder and to discover flaws in life. 
The best way to relax body and mind is the meditation, 
Heart also feels relaxed after meditation. 

It helps to find out what is wrong in our mind; 
And is easily available to the people of all kinds.
It is very helpful to those  who sincerely want to improve, 
Have the pluck and perseverance, and want to move.

It can easily set our inner house right,
And can pave the way to make us think right.
It helps us to discover our own soul,
And to set in motion the life’s real goal.

It relives us from stress and strain, 
And helps to overcome many body pains. 
It is main tool of all the holy men, 
To get salvation in the long run.

Meditation helps to awake inner spiritual powers, 
To get peace of mind and to subdue devilish powers. 
Time spent on meditation is not the time lost, 
But increases the value of life at a very low cost.

During meditation one enters unique state of bliss, 
Which is very beneficial for body and mind.
When the rays of the mind are concentrated on a fixed point, 
They produce wonders at that point.

It helps the nervous system to function in  a normal  way, 
Provides a new energy to lead life in a happy way. 
It also helps to keep away from alcohol and drugs, 
When the mind feels calm, no use of such drugs.   

From the book Peace of Mind by Hari Datt Sharma

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