Monday, June 25, 2012

Environment Purification by“Yajna”

There are two basic energy systems in the physical world: heat and sound. In performing “Yajna” these two energies, namely, the heat from Yajna’s fire and the sound of the mantras are combined to achieve the desired physical, psychological and spiritual benefits.
Till recently it was accepted that research in to science can furnish answer to all of ailments like skin cancer, cataracts and weakening of the immune system. Viruses are becoming drug-resistant and showing consistent growth trends. Experimental studies show that that the incidence of physical ailments, sickness and diseases are reduced in the houses, where the “Yajna” is regularly performed because it creates a pure, nutritional and medicinal atmosphere. It renews the brain cells, revitalizes the skin, purifies blood and prevents growth of pathogenic organisms. “Yajna “is basically a healing process. Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere will heal you.”- is the modus operandi. Dr. Halfkine has mentioned that – “Mixing Ghee and Sugar and burning them creates smoke which kills the germs of certain disease and secretion takes place from some glands related to the wind pipe, which fill our heart and mind with pleasure. Sugar present in the “Yajna” smoke has great power to kill the germs of Tuberculosis, Measles, smallpox and cow-pox. The medicinal fumes emanating from “Yajna” have been observed by researchers in the field of microbiology to be clearly bacteriolethal in nature.

Science of Meditation

Anyone can follow the path of meditation to achieve the following objectives:
  • For relaxation and peace 
  • For concentration and emotional balance
  • For purity of thoughts 
  • For intuition awakening and internal knowledge
  • For higher energy generation (consciousness) and God realization   
To begin with, the time limit for meditation should be 15 minutes. It should then be increased to 30 minutes. Of course, in the higher stages there can be no question of any limit to it.
The attempt to control the mind through meditation brings out on the surface numerous old thoughts and deep memories of the past which lie hidden in the mind creating great uneasiness. If they remain hidden they would become a source of great trouble later. On getting a suitable opportunity they would erupt like a volcano. Hence they should be allowed to come out, to be eventually driven out as the meditation grows deeper and deeper. It is important to realize that the impurities of the body create trouble only during its life, but the memories and samskars of debased and corrupt minds and thoughts go down from birth to birth and thus there may exist many layers of these in the mind. They should be allowed to come out while the aspirant should try to remain only an observer, without feeling unnerved by them. After that the intellect becomes purer for the dawn of profound knowledge in the light of which the unity of the soul and the Creator can be realised. It is also necessary to avoid any fresh collection of debased thoughts. For this, all the acts which give rise to and develop the ego should be scrupulously avoided. Occasional stay at some lonely or holy place may be found helpful in purifying the thoughts.
There are two main obstructions in the way of meditation-sleep and unsteadiness of mind.
Sleep (Laya):
If the body has been made free from impurities and a balanced diet regimen continues, there are very little chances of the onset of a wave of sleep during meditation and the aspirant will need lesser sleeping hours. But still the body should be given sufficient sleep to avoid any danger of sleep during meditation. Usually for a young man six hours of sleep is quite sufficient. For a man of advanced age five hours or even less will be enough if his diet consists of lesser cereals and more of fruits and vegetables. The more the intake of cereals, the more will be the need for sleep. In order to ward off sleep during meditation, it would be very useful and effective to begin with loud recital of the name of one's 'ISHTA' or singing of some bhajan. If one becomes sleepy during meditation, he has to increase self control (Tap).
Although there is forgetfulness of the self, both during sleep and meditation, but they are totally different states. Sleep is a natural necessity for all to give the required rest to the body and also for the transmission of sufficient vital power from its source. The forgetfulness of the self during sleep, which is merely the result of temporary suppression of the ego, brings about some contact with the source of power and the body feels fully refreshed and vital after it, but the person remains ignorant about the actual source of power. During meditation, due to complete disappearance of the ego, an intimate contact is established with the source, the Graceful Lord, which results net only in transmission of vital power but of profound knowledge as well. This leaves no doubt about the Lord and His grace and powers.
Unsteadiness of mind (Vikshep):
Just as purity of the body is necessary to ward off sleep during meditation, detachment of mind from worldly beings and objects through discriminate selfless service is necessary for bringing about steadiness of the mind. Hence, integrated ‘Sadhana’ on the physical, vital and emotional planes is very essential and important. Without purity on these planes, sadhana on intellectual plane becomes quite difficult. The practice of pranayama for purity of the nervous system or (naddi sudh) already discussed earlier, is very helpful and proves efficacious in bringing about steadiness of the mind.
During meditation thoughts of the present as well as of previous lives, which are accumulated in the mind in a number of layers start coming out. This should neither confuse nor discourage us. If one simply watches them in a detached manner they will gradually disappear. One should have patience and perseverance to achieve success. Meditation will purify the intellect and our thoughts will be under control even in dream. The proper way is neither to attempt to comment on them nor to consider their merits and demerits or to pass judgment about them, because these attachment and hatred-producing thoughts, arising out of our concern about persons, worldly objects and circumstances, will divert our attention towards them and they will enter deeper into our minds. If we get involved in them, they will form fresh layers in the mind, making our task more difficult. Therefore, the way to deal with them is to make ourselves indifferent towards them and whenever they distract us from meditation, we should try to concentrate on the name or form of our Guru or God. Whenever thoughts come before our mind's eye, we should treat them with indifference and be only like an idle spectator. If this position is scrupulously held, the thoughts will gradually grow dim and eventually fade away.
In case the thoughts continue coming on, they are due to outpouring of fresh layers of accumulated thoughts. They should be dealt with some patience and perseverance. Aggression of varying thoughts during meditation is due to attachment to objects and persons. To overcome this obstruction in meditation, one has to increase distribution and selfless service (Sewa).
The real test of eradication of the ego is whether one can remain unaffected by abuses showered on him or by the hostile actions of others. Kakbhushundi, whose ego was completely rooted out, remained quite indifferent and happy even when Rishi Lomash cursed him to be converted him into a crow. He felt that it was the Graceful Lord who had changed the mind of the Rishi to test him. This shows us that in all events and happenings, we can visualise the benevolence of the Graceful Lord and remain happy and cheerful.
With the complete elimination of the ego and the consequent attainment of profound knowledge one will not be misguided by appearances. He will all the time and in all matters remember the ‘Graceful Lord. Like a piece of salt thrown into the ocean, the existence of such a devotee merges with the Graceful Lord.

(From: Divine Cure by Dr. Gur Harakh Singh IASS with thanks)

Meditation can help us in many ways in life, 
To reflect, to ponder and to discover flaws in life. 
The best way to relax body and mind is the meditation, 
Heart also feels relaxed after meditation. 

It helps to find out what is wrong in our mind; 
And is easily available to the people of all kinds.
It is very helpful to those  who sincerely want to improve, 
Have the pluck and perseverance, and want to move.

It can easily set our inner house right,
And can pave the way to make us think right.
It helps us to discover our own soul,
And to set in motion the life’s real goal.

It relives us from stress and strain, 
And helps to overcome many body pains. 
It is main tool of all the holy men, 
To get salvation in the long run.

Meditation helps to awake inner spiritual powers, 
To get peace of mind and to subdue devilish powers. 
Time spent on meditation is not the time lost, 
But increases the value of life at a very low cost.

During meditation one enters unique state of bliss, 
Which is very beneficial for body and mind.
When the rays of the mind are concentrated on a fixed point, 
They produce wonders at that point.

It helps the nervous system to function in  a normal  way, 
Provides a new energy to lead life in a happy way. 
It also helps to keep away from alcohol and drugs, 
When the mind feels calm, no use of such drugs.   

From the book Peace of Mind by Hari Datt Sharma

Saturday, June 23, 2012


The people who have sacrificed their lives for the betterment of the world are Vishwamitra (friend of world).
A Concept:
The tremendous physical and material progress that man has made, are of no value to him, unless he cultivates the right attitude of mind. It is this that will bring him peace and joy. Peace, happiness and love are the basic necessities of life as they reflect the true nature of consciousness. All human activities are directly or indirectly targeted to fulfill either or all of these necessities. Most people due to lack of knowledge search for the solution of their life's problem in external material domain. This ignorance about power of self, leaves them frustrated, depressed and more and more dependent resulting in disturbed families, divided societies and disintegrated nation. To bridge this gap the concept of inner growth is essential to resolve their problems.
Know God through the prism of science.
Purity of heart means transparency to truth.
A Yog:
“Yog is the art of doing everything with the consciousness of God.”  -Yogananda Pramahansa
Aims and Ideas:
1.      To liberate men from this threefold suffering: physical disease, mental inharmonics and spiritual ignorance.
2.      To point out the on divine highway to which all paths of true religious beliefs eventually lead: the highway of daily, scientific, devotional meditation on God.
3.      To encourage “plain leaving and high thinking”, and to spread a spirit of brotherhood among all peoples by teaching the internal basics of their unity: kinship with God.
4.      To demonstrate the superiority of mind our body, of soul over mind.
5.      To overcome evil by good, sorrow by joy, cruelty by kindness, and ignorance by wisdom.
6.      To unit science and religion through realization of the unity of their underlying principles.
7.      To advocate cultural and spiritual understanding between east and west, and the exchange of their finest distinctive features.
8.      To disseminate among the nations a knowledge of definite scientific techniques for attaining direct personal experience of God.
9.      To teach that the purpose of life is the evolution, through self effort, of man’s limited mortal consciousness into God consciousness and to this end to establish temple for God-communion in the hearts of men. 
Young minds should be shaped with strong values.
We can’t achieve the goal of bright future on mother earth unless we impart moral and ethical values, through an important system of education among all the sections of society. Infect, we need such an education system by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s feet.
  • Universal human education.
  • Value education in professional courses.
  •  Ethics for professionals.
  • Social responsibilities of intectuals.
  • Attributes of engineers in modem world.
  • Policy issues in technical education.
  • Quality management in technical education.
  • Environmental issues.
  • Sustainable develpoment Model.
  • Effects of globalization on education.
The life of modern man
            The paradox of our times is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways,  but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less; we have more degrees, but less sense; more medicines, but less wellness; we have conquered outer space, but not inner space; we have cleaned up places, but polluted the soul; we have split the atom, but not our prejudices; we have become long on quantity, but short on quality; we live in fancier houses but broken homes.
Today we can fly in the air like birds, swim in the sea like fish, but alas, we do not know how to live on earth like men. In short, we have made tremendous progress, made several path-breakage discoveries-but somewhere in the process, we seem to have lost ourselves.
Truly has it been said that modern man is so busy earning a living that he has no time left to live!
Though Inconvenient Change is Inevitable
The juncture of the end of night and the beginning of the day is called dawn. This period is filled with unique opportunity for self-growth for the  early risers; but for those who are still  half –asleep, it appears as an unwelcome guest and as a burden  loaded with new responsibilities How so ever unpleasant, they how to rise up and attend to their daily chores. Night does not return and the day does not stop. There is no other alternative than to adjust with the change. The cosmos is in perpetual moment.
During the present moment our transition period of change of an era, the process of elimination of the Evil and establishment of the god in human hearts is bound to appear painful for the rigidly orthodox. Other section of the society may also but it inconvenient to adopt new ways of  the  befitting a new era. But there is no others alternative than to adopt the discipline of ushering in  of the new enlightened would order that has been ordained by the nature. One we accept this Truth and are not resistant to change, we will find that change is seed of spiritual growth for all humanity. We will discover that the very change we were fleeing from had held the good we had prayed for.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Do not poison your peace

1.      Do not poison your peace by anger
2.      Do not poison your peace by talking ill of others.
3.      Do not poison your peace by judging others.
4.      Do not poison your peace by evaluating and assessing others.
5.      Do not poison your peace by ill treating others.
6.      Do not poison your peace by not obeying the divine laws.
7.      Do not poison your peace by ill gotten money.
8.      Do not poison your peace by associating with dishonest people.
9.      Do not poison your peace by negative thoughts.
10. Do not poison your peace by practicing violence in day to day living.
Peace is in your head. It can be earned by a person.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Health & Stress Management

  • Ease is the normal condition of body & mind. Disease in the body and un-easiness in the mind are abnormal & unwanted experience which people want to banish from their lives. 
  • The world  we live in is a cosmos not a chaos. It is governed by inexorable laws, violation of which is attended by suffering in form of disease, fatigue, worry and fear.
(Divine Cure By Dr. Gur Harak Singh, IASS)
"O Lord! People are stricken with a host of diseases and bereavement, which are surely the result of neglecting the righteous path." Disrespect of the universal laws (spiritual laws) causes illusion leading to an inclination towards a life of ease and comfort with sensual enjoyments, which eventually results in fatigue and disease.  With the assistance if the Lord's blessings and utilization of His gifts, any person can achieve a healthy body and a noble mind.
Heath is not only an absence of disease but it is that physical state of the human system which assures a person freedom from proneness to disease. In this universe man is the cream of creation of the Almighty Lord and he has been modeled with marvelous perfection. He being a master-piece creation of the graceful Lord and blessed with His unbounded love should never fall a prey to any disease or suffering. On the contrary, man is suffering from numerous diseases and untold sufferings. So there must be some specific cause of such a state of affairs which otherwise is unwarranted in the flawless loving creation of the Graceful Lord.
Uncertainty, unsuitability and unacceptability are the subtle reasons of high bloodpressure.
Divine cure, believes not only in the cure of diseases but it also aims at complete eradication of human suffering viz, Disease, fatigue, worry, fear and duality with pangs of separation, and to bring about an integrated development of human being on all the five planes of the body i.e. physical, vital, emotional, intellectual and spiritual, thereby bestowing on him unfailing health, vibrant vitality, eternal bliss, profound knowledge and universal love.
Causes diagnosed during the different system of treatment do not appear to be true cause of disease, as had it been so, the known diseases would have been eradicated. Our ancient Rishis through their divine vision saw the secret of life which has been passed on to us in the Holy scriptures the Vedas, the Upnishads, the Shatras and  the Puranas but all these being in Sanskrit, could not reach the common man. Our Rishis have revealed that impurities on various levels of physical, vital, emotional, intellectual and spiritual planes obstruct the working of vital force and give rise to disease, fatigue, worry and fear on various planes.  They realized the true and devised ways and means to remove the impurities for an effective working of vital force.
Essential Ingredients of Good Mental Health: 
  • Service
  • Sacrifice
  • Surrender to God 
Nature and quality of food
In the modern age whole importance is attached to the constituents of food taken. The other important aspect is its digestion and excretion, on which depends the ability of the body to keep it free from disease as well as of maintaining health and vitality. To a healthy blood balance many natural medicine practitioners recommends a diet comprised of a 60/40 ratio in favor of alkalizing foods over acid-producing foods. Life is possible only if the blood is kept within a range of alkalinity, because it contains bicarbonate phosphate and proteins, which are quit strong bases. 
Consequently, the factors guiding the quality of food should be as follows:-
1.      One should take more of such food that produces lesser impurities.
2.      One should take more of that food whose products left after metabolism are simple and easy for the excretory organs to expel out. Metabolism consists of two processes-catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism means breaking down of complex molecules and tissues during all the activates of the body. Anabolism means formation of substances for the need of the body and the repair of broken down tissues. If the products to be expelled out are complex, they would put great strain on the excretory organs leading to their damage and accumulation of poisonous products in the blood to cause disease and degeneration. 
Let us consider these foods in light of their effect on the human system. It has been revealed to us that a human body is constituted of five elements. Accordingly, our food also should consist of the same five elements.
The earthy element: It is present in the cereals. They contains maximum amount of carbohydrates and sufficient quantities of proteins and fats, and produce maximum percent of impurities in the blood. Amongst them, the dicotyledons like wheat and rice. Having the highest density, and being the most material of the five elements, this occupies the lowest order in the category of food.
The watery element: This element predominates in vegetable. They produce comparatively lesser impurities than the cereals. Amongst them tubers like potatoes etc., occupy a lower place than the green vegetable this element being less material than the earth, occupies a higher order in the category of foods.
The fiery element: It is present in the fruits, which obtain its properties from the sun. pulpy fruits occupy a lower place than the juicy ones. Being a subtler element, it produce further less impurities, hence goes higher in the category of food and is placed above the vegetables.
The airy element: this element is represented by leaves which derive it from the air. This being the most subtle element produces practically no impurities in the blood and is placed highest in the category of food.
The ether element: It pervades the whole universe and is not a food. It is indicated as abstinence from food. It is the subtle most element and is obtained by the body through fasting.
People should take care to eat only simple, fresh, vegetarian food (sattvic food). It is good to avoid food that is excessively salty, sweet, hot or sour. The nature of the mind is determined by the subtle essence of the food we eat. Pure food creates a pure mind.
Do not your stomach completely. Leave a quarter of your stomach empty. This will help your body to digest the food properly. If you eat until you can hardly breathe, it will strain your heart.
Overeating will not only harm your spiritual practice, it will also harm your health. Give up the habit of eating a little bit every now and then whenever you fell like it. Having your meals at regular times is good for your health and mental control. Eat to live. Do not live to eat.
Whenever food is allowed to spoil or is thrown away half-eaten, society is being harmed. Think of how many people are suffering because they cannot afford even one meal a day.
Animal flesh foods and eggs, except milk, produce maximum amount of impurities. Moreover, the products left after metabolism to be expelled output very great strain on the excretory organs. So they are regarded as unsuitable for human consumption.
Stress Management
In the modern world, millions of people are causing themselves one or the other diseases through negative thinking. As one get up in the morning, the first thought about failure and tension occurs to one’s mind, “I’ m not sure, I may fail. They might hurt me. I will not be able to express myself.” Generally, most people possess such mind as is always loaded with thought of failure and uncertainty. And little wonder that they suffer from what medical scientists call ‘free floating anxiety.’ This is not a one day affair but many year of experience.
We know that under the same set of circumstances, one person may become anxious while another can remain cheerful. The difference has to do with attitude towards the event and more with one’s general personality and understanding of life. By gaining spiritual insight into the laws of human action and interaction, our attitudes towards life-situations naturally tend to become tolerant, positive and creative.
During emotional crisis, the kidneys secrete the higher level of an enzyme, called rennin. The rennin in turn, acts, on the plasma protein fiber to the heart while the medical portion of the vasomotor center creates disturbances in the activity of the heart.
“Be Positive to live happily”
Attitude is the way we think and respond to life. Right attitude is one of the most important tools towards self empowerment. It is even more important than money, knowledge and education. Attitude can single handily make or break a person, a team, an organization, a home or a relationship. Life can be seen as an up and down ride. Most of us only want to experience the ups, so we go around complying about the downs can be “blessings in disguise”.
Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It bring optimism into your life and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If your adopt it as a way to life, it will bring constructive changes in your life and make you happier, brighter and more successful.
With a positive attitude we see the bright side of life and expect the best to happen. Whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look the world but also your environment and the people around you.
Negatively can take terrible toll on our brains, our energy. Our relationship, ultimately our health. That is why chose to be positive.
Being the does not mean that bed things will not happen to you. It does not mean that you will not face incredible challenges. It simply means that you will have a much greater chance of succeed at everything you experience.
I have overcome some incredible challenges through my life and learnt many lessons along the way. Each challenge  I faced, whether mom or lost.
Be ensure enough internally and ensure that positive attitude becomes parts of your lifestyle. Take a decision to improve the quality of your life. Therefore, program your mind with a positive attitude to enjoy the journey.
The Greatest Paradox
Happiness is the greatest paradox in Nature. It can grow in any soil, live under any conditions. It defies environment. It comes from within; It is the revelation of the depths of the inner life as light and heat proclaim the sun from which they radiate. Happiness consists not of having, but of being; not of processing, but of enjoying. It is the warm glow of a heart at peace with itself. A martyr at the stake may have happiness that a king on his throne might envy. Man is the creator of his own happiness; it is the aroma of a life lived in harmony with high ideals. For what a man has, he may be dependent on others; what he is rests with him alone. What he obtains in life is but acquisition; what he attains is growth. Happiness is the soul’s joy in the possession of the intangible.
Happiness is paradoxical because it may coexist with trial, sorrow and poverty. It is the gladness of the heart, rising superior to all conditions…. Man might possess everything tangible in the world and yet not be happy, for happiness is the satisfying of the soul, not of the mind or the body.
William George Jordan 
Tips for weak personalty
Never expect yourself to do everything perfectly. There is pleasure on doing the work itself rather than doing it perfectly. The perfection sin everything is paralyzing, it makes you immobile God is perfect in everything, but we, as humans, should not keep very high standard in everything we do. Such desires are very much unhealthy for one’s hearts. Try to make your enjoyable rather than creating deadlines for completing the work perfectly. There is nothing wrong in keeping deadline but if it is not meet, don’t feel anxious or nervous. In most of the work, doing it is much more significant than succeeding. Aim for ‘good’ performance instead of ‘the best’. If we look at ourselves objectively one can do his best only once in lifetime, aiming to do ‘best’ in everything is senseless. Perfectionism also reduces the productivity, when our goals are more realistic, we feel more relaxed and at ease. Such a state of well-being increases concentration power and productivity. We need not become careless.
Some people feel miserable because they count their life by their mistake and shortcoming. Everyone has the right to be wrong because unless we make mistakes the ability to learn new things will be very much reduced. There is advantage in become perfectionist that you will  not be criticized or fail in work you do. But the cost is very high. Your growth, ability for adventure and the opportunity to live life to the fullest will become a dream. 
Relaxation Response
The value of relaxation has also been documented medically. A neuropsychiatries of California, Late Dr. David fink, wrote thus in this connection: ‘ Relaxation stops in emotions that prod the interbrain and forebrain into misbehavior. Skill as well as good health depend upon relaxation’. Thus, relaxation is the first step towards good health.  
External events themselves generally do not raise mental tension. Rather, it is the repeated thinking over an event (‘I can’t believe the boss said that to me what nerve he actually said that’)- the repetition going on both consciously and unconsciously, awake and a sleep – which raises mental tension level to dangerous heights.
The control over the mind achieved through Yoga practice makes us able to halt this repeated brooding over stressful events. We become able to easily recharge our mental energies into positive and even blissful directions, and to intuit  solutions to stress-causing events which are life-enhancing for all concerned, rather than negative or destructive towards self or other.
I have found that the Yoga and Meditation are extremely beneficial for developing the positive attitudes. For example, if someone get angry or criticizes a Yogi, he thinks, ‘We all are actors in the world drama, playing a definite role allotted to us. I should not worry about the activities of others. I must try to play the role given to me in best manner. When he behaves according to his nature of being a peaceful and loving soul. I remain detached and peaceful because I am just an observer of various scenes of the world drama. What ever percentage of truth lies in the criticism, I must accept and change myself’.  If a near  relative dies, then, under stress, caused by bereavement he thinks, ‘ This is an event, where the actor has just changed his costume (body) for playing another role. He has left the present body and will take another body to play his role. Indeed, the soul is eternal, indestructible and immortal. Thus the soul whom I live is not dead. The soul still continues to play its role somewhere else. I must not feel sad about the event. On the contrary, I should send good wishes and vibrations of peace.”
During emotional crisis, the kidneys secrete the higher level of an enzyme, called rennin    (fig 5). The rennin in turn, acts, on the plasma protein fiber to the heart while the medical portion of the vasomotor center creates disturbances in the activity of the heart.
(Heart Desease and Meditation, By: B.K. Girish Patel)
Hazards of Excessive Eating
The main items of food, technically speaking, can be said to be PROTEINS, FATS, CARBOHYDRATES , VITAMINS & MINERALS. Out of these, proteins act as tissue builders of the body; fats act both as fuel as well as energy storage depots. They also act as carriers of certain important fat soluble vitamins. The carbohydrates are mainly responsible for production of energy. All these types of food can be utilized by the body to produce energy. The body proteins are the last to be utilized in the process of drawing on the tissue resources. A deficiency in proteins in diet, leads to muscle wasting as well as breakdown of body resistance to infection and other diseases including hormones deficiency and anemia. Minerals in small quantity are also essential in the electrical processes taking place on the outside and inside the cellular structure. Let us deal with the over intake of food. This results in weight gain and obesity diseases like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, gout and digestive disturbance go hand in hand with excessive weight. Injuries like fractures, operations and even healing of ordinary wounds are also hazardous in obese (fatty) person.
Qualitatively speaking, an excessive intake of fats leads to narrowing of arteries of vital organs like heart, brain etc, leading to heart attacks, brain strokes which are the prime killers in the affluent societies of today.
An excessive intake of proteins-contrary of popular belief-lead to a considerable stress on the liver. The common belief is that excessive intake of proteins is the secret of good health and longevity is an erroneous conception.     
Uric acid contained in vegetarian proteins can cause gout and can also get deposited in the coronary and cerebral arteries. Excess carbohydrate intake leads to obesity. Even some vitamins like A&D, if taken in excess, can cause dangerous consequences. Taking too much vitamin D in the form of supplements can cause excessive vitamin D levels. Taking 50,000 International Units per day for several months can cause toxicity, the Merck Manuals Online Medical Library reports. It's not possible to overdose on vitamin D from foods, except in rare cases where large amounts of animal liver is consumed. Too much sun exposure also doesn't raise vitamin D levels excessively. High vitamin D levels can lead to hypercalcemia. Hypercalcemia can cause calcium deposits to form in the kidney and heart, causing serious damage.
We should direct our efforts, that people not only take adequate quantity of food as necessitated by their work scheduler requirements and energy expenditure but it should be will balanced diet. This will go a long way in ensuring a healthy, long and more purposeful life which can be an asset to any society. The real purpose of life can be achieved through “bland type of life and bland type of thinking”
To keep all the system is our body remain active, it is necessary to practice yoga (exercise) even by practice an hour from busy schedule beside, taking right type of food to feed wholesome life.