Monday, February 6, 2017

Author's New Book:- Health Requisites

India as a country has achieved laurels in several areas after independence. Nevertheless, there are certain aspects of life where the country has lagged behind. These important aspects of life are importance of sound health and high moral as well as national character. Both of these important aspects have been the heritage of our nation since centuries but pushed to backseat nowadays. It is rare to see a group of healthy people having high moral and spiritual values. It is saddening that most of our population is relying heavily on English (allopathic) medicines which can create serious health risks and hazards. 

In Indian tradition, doctors have been given a position next to God with the quality of giving life to humanity and Ayurvedic treatment is a boon. But now a days, a good doctor is a business tycoon and medical science more of a curse than a boon. Doctors in big multi-specialty hospitals work to achieve targets set for them for a period in most unethical and shameless fashion with the aim of earning maximum money. The patients have to be very cautious of the fraudulent ways of doctors.
It is important for a person who wants to lead a disease-free life to understand how disease are born at all the three levels- body, soul and mind. There are many reasons for a complex disease but it is basically rooted in improper education and ignorance. Improper education in fact is the root cause of all kinds of diseases which can be cured only through proper education. Illness can be seen as nature’s signal that something is wrong somewhere. It is a kind of warning how the disease entered our body and if we keep ignoring the reasons and get late in responding to them, the disease reaches a complex level.
It is very unfortunate that our society provides a disarranged sense as to how to live, what to think and how to behave. The researchers at “Stony Brook University, New York” have established that bad life style is responsible for the continuously rising cases of cancer worldwide. They assert that 9 out of 10 cancer patients can be cured simply by correcting their lifestyle. This research has appeared recently in the journal ‘NATURE. It is therefore, important to adopt healthy life style or else will be trapped by ailments.
The climate of India is said to be the most suitable climate about which the ancient saints have claimed that an average Indian has the competence of living up to 100 years of a productive and meaningful life. However, the people today are suffering from various ailments such as heart problems, diabetes, skin problems and depression like several mental disorders. According to expert opinion, the heart problems have replaced communicable diseases as the biggest killer in India. Approximately, 30% of urban and 15% of rural masses suffer from high BP (hypertension) and allied heart diseases.’

      According to National Institute of Occupational Health, as many as 32% of India’s working population suffers from physical body pain, out of which 13% have left their jobs due to chronic pains. The issue of great concern is that 36% of the population aged around 40 years is victim of high blood pressure. At present, the country has about 65 million diabetic patients and it is expected that the number of diabetic patients would double by the year 2025. Unfortunately, nearly half of these diabetic patients are not even aware of their disease.

In this booklet, an attempt has been made to make available the reader the prevention, precautions and remedies for the health related problems. It would be a boon mainly for our younger generation that is less aware about the rules and principles for a healthy life.

Every individual has to account for his good health, everything else is secondary. It is the first and foremost call for all the countrymen to come forward and contribute towards “healthy India” campaign by way of promoting education, health and our value system-the three gems fostered by our sages. All those who are wise and love the rich cultured heritage of our country should devote all their energies towards fulfilling these three objectives.
This book presents essential rules for attaining good health and for prevention of illness. Hope this proves to be useful for all especially the younger generation who are unaware of the rules of good health. They will surely be benefited to get all of them placed together.
Our country is the land of sages where the skills and medicines like “Sanjeevani” were discovered which could resuscitate dead man and bring back youth in the life of the aged. It is certain that the old wisdom of our sacred land would be revived and it would help in creating a “healthy India”. The globe will once again witness a golden era where right thinking will be developed and humanity will flourish. It is our duty to help the divine forces in the “Healthy India” campaign.

If you like this book, make it a point to present it to family and friends on festivals and other occasions thereby.